An Introduction to Multi-Service Radiant Panels

Over recent years more buildings have looked to incorporate additional services within the ‘free hanging’ Radiant Panel System to reduce site installation time and provide a modular approach to the building design.

Multi-Service Radiant Panels (MSRP’s) provide a solution to this, combining Radiant Panels (Electric or LTHW) with integrated LED lighting, acoustic sound absorption and other building services in individual 100% prefabricated, ‘plug n play’ units.
Article Contents:
- Product Description
- Benefits of Radiant Heating
- Education Application
- How Frenger® can help?
- Design Options?
- Project Examples
Product Description
Multi-Service Radiant Panels (MSRP's) combine Radiant Panel (electric or LTHW) with integrated LED lighting, acoustic sound absorption and other building services in individual 100% pre-fabricated, 'plug n play' units.

The source of the LTHW (low temperature hot water) heating element of Frenger's MSRP units comes from our Modula SP (standard performance), HP (high performance) and SHP (Super High Performance) water driven radiant heating panels, be it from 15mm OD or 10mm OD copper tubing. Our serpentine coils are produced from thousand-meter drums of copper tube, de-coiled and formed into serpentine coils at 150mm, 100mm or 70mm tube centre on Frenger's full CNC Serpentine Bend Machine joint free copper coils. All Frenger LTHW Radiant Heating has been independently test-certified to the following standard.
Frenger can also offer the MSRP units utilising Electric Radiant Heating from our EFW (Electric FrengerWarm) Radiant Heating technology which has been fully tested to the following standards:
EN 60335-2-30:2009 + A1/11
EN 60335-1: 2012 + A11/13/1/14/2/15
EN 55014-1: 2021
EN 55014-2: 2015
EN 61000-3-2: 2019
EN 61000-3-3: 2013 +A2: 2021
EN 62233:2008
EN 60529: 1992 + A2:2013 (IP55 & IP56)

Benefits of Radiant Heating
- Excellent Thermal Comfort – helps to improve occupancy productivity.
- Reduced Energy Consumption – due to lower air temperatures being required for perceived comfort levels.
- Ventilation losses (air changes) have far less impact on the performance of radiant panels compared with convective systems because room surfaces and occupants are heated rather than room air.
- Shorter pre-heat times are associated with radiant systems due to faster and more efficient heat transfer.
- Simple to clean having only flat surfaces and featuring no moving parts which reduces maintenance costs and offers reduced whole lifecycle costs.
Education Application
MSRP’s provide an ideal solution for schools, youth centres and universities as other services can also be incorporated such as apertures for sprinkler heads, compartment trunking for other electrical services, apertures for PA and VA speakers plus lighting control, PIR, Photocells and other building services.
By incorporating multiple services into one solution this enables dematerialisation as it eliminates the need for ceiling systems and electrical trunking, which helps to cut down the carbon footprint of the building.

MSRP's have also allowed buildings to reduce room reverberation times by incorporating acoustic absorption material within the MSRP to achieve the SRS guide to BB93 (Building Acoustics for Education), optional integrated lighting to achieve LG7 compliance can also be incorporated.
How Frenger® can help?
Frenger® manufactures and supplies MSRP units with many optional integrated services; PIR Prescence Detectors, Photo Cells (Daylight linking) and PA/VA speakers which can seamlessly be integrated within the none active zones of the radiant heating panel.
These units are 100% pre-fabricated offsite in a controlled factory environment by Frenger® and fully tested before dispatch, ready for simple 'plug and play' on-site installation, which significantly reduces onsite coordination and installation program time.
Design Options
Frenger’s MSRP’s offer an alternative to ceiling grid systems and can be manufactured and designed to, with many optional integrated services. The appearance of each MSRP can be customised to meet the client’s preference, some bespoke design examples can be seen below:

Optional Services
Frenger's Multi-Service Radiant Panels can be manufactured and supplied with many optional integrated services; PIR Prescence Detectors and Loudspeakers can seamlessly be integrated within the non-acoustic / active zones of the Radiant Heating Panel.
Additional integrated services such as Conduit Wireways to provide additional cable containment for site fitted services can be pre-fitted to the rear of the Multi-Service Radiant Panel.
To find out more about Frenger's unique and highly efficient Multi-Service Radiant Panels, click the button below.
You can learn more about the products Frenger® has to offer by visiting their products page or read more articles about the international projects Frenger® has supplied on their latest news page. Alternatively, you can contact their UK Head Office on +44(0)1332 295 678 or